Travel and Leisure stocks Index underperforming

Travel and Leisure stocks Index underperforming The Dow Jones Travel and Leisure stocks Index (DJUSTT) is drastically underperforming The S&P 500 Index. On relative strength moving averages, the 50 day is 10% below the 200 day. See stock chart below. Here is a quote from a Yahoo writer in an article today focused on HyattContinue reading “Travel and Leisure stocks Index underperforming”

Franco-Nevada Corporation

Franco-Nevada Corporation trend analysis Franco-Nevada Corporation $FNV (FNV) last week began to outperform the S&P 500 Index (SPX), on a relative strength basis. The stock is trading in excess of the S&P 500 on both the 50 day and 200 day moving average. The stock chart below shows the relationship to the S&P on theContinue reading “Franco-Nevada Corporation”

S&P 500 Index trend analysis

S&P 500 Index trend analysis The S&P 500 Index (SPX) $SPX relative strength tends to hug and bounce off of a 30% annualized rate growth over a 200 day average. When it dips below, it is vulnerable to a correction and/or consolidation. As of Fridays’ close the index is 1.1% above this trend. See chartContinue reading “S&P 500 Index trend analysis”

S&P 500 Index ETF end of week update

S&P 500 Index ETF end of week update The S&P 500 Index ETF (SPY) $SPY closed the week tracking along the 50 day moving average in excess of 30% annualized, and along the the 200 day moving average in excess of 30% annualized. So we’ll establish the 30% annualized as a benchmark, and compare Europe,Continue reading “S&P 500 Index ETF end of week update”

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